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Unisex Heated Vest
Unisex Heated Vest
Unisex Heated Vest


Unisex Heated Vest

Puts YOU In Control Of Your Comfort, Not The Weather

Designed so you can enjoy the benefits of planning without any of the hassle!

Get your Crioni™ vest today and say goodbye to wearing bulky layers!


Cozy Benefits:

Temperature Control: Adjust Your Temperature As The Weather Changes.

Convenient: The perfect mix of comfort and function. Heats up lightning fast, stays warm for 12+ hours with our recommended battery.

Versatile: A 'must-have' piece for surviving the winter. Perfect for layering with your favorite shell or wearing as a stand alone.

Luxurious: Outsmart the cold this winter! Get your Scorched™ vest today and experience true warmth & total convenience.